Corona Virus March, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This has been a difficult week where the narrative has changed daily, if not hourly.

I have been in consultation with other pastors and denominational leaders as I have tried to keep on top of a fluid situation. As I specified in my letter on Thursday, more changes to our schedule may come as the need arises. We have decided to alter our schedule.

There will be no Sunday School, Evening Service, Choir Practice, Awana or Wednesday night service for the next 2 weeks.

We will continue to worship in the Sunday morning service. While I considered canceling the morning service, I felt we needed to come together in this difficult time to pray and worship. Our President has asked that all churches pray this Sunday for this situation. For those who are uncomfortable with coming, we have an option for you. We will broadcast our morning service live on our Lake Drive Baptist Facebook page.

If you cannot attend, we ask that you will be faithful in your financial giving during this time. You can give online through our website at You can also mail a check or bring your check to the church during the service time.

I hope that you will pray for me as I continue to pray for you.

Pastor David Haynes

Dear Church Family,


At Lake Drive, we are concerned about our church family in all respects, including the physical being of our community. As you know, the coronavirus is being spread from person to person in parts of the United States and the world. As of this writing, it has not been detected in our immediate area, but has infected people in Tennessee. Although much of what is happening in the spreading of the virus is beyond our control, there are measures that we can take to help protect our members and guest from the illness.

The following represents our current thinking on the matter as of today, March 12, 2020. We are of course monitoring all developments in real-time; and any updates will be published on email and Facebook.

First, the primary tactic of Satan is FEAR. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. (2 Tim. 1:7) Our communities need a church that is not ruled by fear, but by faith. We must trust the Sovereign God. The church, and specifically our church, has an opportunity to be a stabilizing presence in a world of fear, worry, and anxiety.

The uncertainty of this outbreak is creating anxiety throughout our society as the media talks about it 24/7.

Having said that, here are some measures of precaution that we will be taking to minimize the spreading all illnesses during the foreseeable future. Prepared people can lead in crisis, unprepared people can only react. Because we want to be prepared, we are being proactive in regards to how we handle worship services.


Our greeters will hold doors open for you to minimize your need for touching door handles as we are able


Our custodial staff is cleaning all frequently touched surfaces and objects.


We will temporarily eliminate the fellowship time, and recommend waiving rather than hugs or handshakes.


We will not pass collection plates. We will receive the offering as you exit the service. As always, you can also give online by going to our website at If you’re not able to attend, we hope that you will continue to support the ministries of the church financially.


We will have hand sanitizer available for everyone as they enter and leave the sanctuary.

As we work to protect those attending church, lets be prayerful for those who are being affected by this virus. This virus is not only a health hazard, but can devastate our economy.

Pastor David Haynes